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What is Topical CBD Good For?

What is Topical CBD Good For?

We all know how devastating it can be to find your favorite activities are no longer an option. To be sidelined from passions by sore muscles. One way to find relief is by turning to plant medicine! More and more people every day use these alternative remedies for problems with muscles and skin because they know how much better life can feel when we can do what we enjoy again.  Since ancient times, plant medicines have been used as treatments for many ailments, including pain management, which has led many of us today to flock towards this type of remedy. Today we're exploring CBD topical products, their other plant therapy infusions and the best part about these cream's active ingredients isn't just what it does, though: it's how you feel.




CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a compound that comes from the cannabis plant. Unlike its close cousin THC, CBD doesn’t give you intoxicating effects. Meaning it won’t get you high. However, it does have many beneficial properties that make it a rising star in the holistic wellness community. 


Benefits of Topical CBD

CBD topical creams are applied directly on the skin, increasing blood flow and speeding up recovery time. Topical CBD creams can be an excellent way to recover after a hard workout. These topicals use natural ingredients like Turmeric oil, Arnica, Menthol and Peppermint oil that work to soothe sore muscles, reduce inflammation and provide relief without harsh chemicals. 


The National Academies of Sciences, Medicines, and Engineering evaluated years of CBD research. They came to the following conclusion: "patients who were treated with cannabis or cannabinoids are more likely to experience a clinically significant reduction in symptoms."


One of the best benefits to using topical products is that they are convenient. Topicals can be rolled on or applied by hand with no mess, which makes them easy-to-use and allows you to apply them conveniently wherever needed. 


Blending Topical Plant Medicine with CBD and the Potential Benefits 

A powerful blend of herbs and CBD oils can provide several benefits. Menthol, Arnica, peppermint oil, and turmeric are used in topical medications to reduce inflammation and pain associated with minor bruising or muscle soreness. The anti-inflammatory properties also promote healthy skin while reducing irritation.


  • Turmeric oil - The benefits of turmeric oil are numerous. Turmeric has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Turmeric also contains essential vitamins such as vitamin C, which helps promote immune system function, among many others! Research has shown that this spice can be a natural remedy for arthritis pain with no side effects like other treatments.
  • Arnica - Arnica is an ancient herbal extract that has been known to treat pain and swelling caused by injuries. In addition, arnica's leaves are often found in topical ointments, which have a cooling effect on any inflammations the area may be experiencing! Its real superpower, though? Preventing bruising.
  • Menthol - Menthol brings its cooling properties to the mix. Its natural numbing qualities can help relieve pain, itchiness, and inflammation and protect against bacteria. Menthol also has a unique ability to stimulate nerve endings, making your skin feel more comfortable by reducing feelings of pressure while simultaneously providing relief from muscle tightness. 
  • Peppermint oil - Peppermint oil is a hot commodity for topical creams because of its natural pain-relieving properties. Peppermint oil has been found to reduce muscle fatigue and soreness, and joint stiffness in the body's joints. It also decreases inflammation while simultaneously being an antiseptic that can prevent infection or healing time from prolonging due to bacteria exposure on open wounds or cuts. 


    With its wide variety of potential benefits, it's no secret it's quickly become a favorite amongst trainers and athletes, including Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas. 

    In a recent interview, Douglas said,  "My experiences in using CBD have led me to believe 

    that I could have been more pain-free throughout my gymnastics career if CBD had been allowed...I am glad that athletes across all Olympic sports will now

    have the opportunity to use these products and hopefully experience their benefits."

    And she's not alone; UFC Fighter Yair Rodriguez also reports that using CBD has helped him speed up recovery times tremendously. 

    There is clearly more research left to be done on the use of CBD topicals, but what exists is promising, and there is anecdotal evidence from many users that in the treatment of chronic pain, inflammation, various forms of arthritis, and skin disorders, there is a benefit. 

    Want to try CBD topicals for yourself?


    You should always consult with your physician before starting any new treatment to make sure it is safe for you.